Antagonista del receptor androgénico en basales

Beneficio de antagonistas de receptores androgénicos en cáncer de mama triple negativos.


Androgen Receptor Antagonists May Meet ‘Unmet Need’ in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
By Charlotte Bath
November 25, 2016

Although there are no androgen receptor antagonists currently approved for the treatment of breast cancer, clinical trials indicate that these agents benefit some patients with triple-negative breast cancer, Tiffany A. Traina, MD, told participants at the 18th Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium in Chicago. “I would encourage your patients with triple-negative breast cancer to seek out this approach in the context of clinical trials,” she urged, “so that we can understand the biology better and figure out how best to select patients.”

Dr. Traina is Clinical Director of the Breast Medicine Service and Section Head of the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Clinical Research Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as well as Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York.

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